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Are You Intuitive?

  How to recognize intuition in others – even ourselves. People with great intuition seem to see a solution without an apparent train of thought. It may appear effortless, but usually, the understanding has much previous preparation. Intuition is one of about eight problem-solving techniques we use in all phases of life. Great advances depend on them. Great parents have intuition, often without knowing it. That excellent mechanic or craftsman we wished we hired has it. They know because they see deep patterns beyond treatises on procedure. The intuitive teacher knows from the slightest facial expression or words if the student is having trouble. Your intuition is best about subjects you know best. In geometry, they may see how the parts fit together; in literature, they may write just the right expression or turn of phrase. In personal relations, they may know just what to do without excitement or apparent revelation. In diplomacy, they may have an instinctive understanding ...

Mozart – Composer and Techie

What do Mozart and I have in common? At first blush, you might suggest, “Both of you like Mozart’s music,” not adding that, “and it ends there.” Yet, there is common ground. The Answer is that ... Mozart and I are both “techies.” It all began in 1698. After hundreds of attempts by dozens of craftsmen, the Italian instrument maker Bartolomeo Cristofori* finally solved all the problems inherent in making a harpsichord with hammers , the Piano Forte. While it is unimportant just what the problems were, the result was the creation of a new instrument with a dynamic range that completely eclipsed the harpsichord. The new sound excited the public; the powerful and rich Medici listed one of Christofori’s instruments in a 1700 inventory of instruments. Here was a powerful new tool, hardly touched by new composition. Techniques and rules of composition for it did not exist. The first explorers with the new technology, which included Moza...

Giving Up

  Giving Up Giving up on life is a form of suicide. You’re still living but dead inside. Call it suicide-lite. It’s an easy way not to care, not to try, not to struggle, and not to succeed.  Ok. It’s sometimes necessary to give up on a project, lest plunge further down an indeterminate hole. But giving up altogether is an act of decommissioning your humanity, to carry on only biologically. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knowing   One does not come to know a subject while sitting upon a high chair with knowledge being spoon-fed. Knowing a subject is more akin to farming, wherein you plant seeds, nourish the soil, watch the seedlings sprout, cull the weeds, tend patiently; finally, you reap the harvest.

BUZZWORD compliance

 Are you buzzword or acronym compliant? Well, get with the program. Here are the latest.  TINA - There Is No Alternative FOMO - Fear of Missing Out FOJI - Fear of Joining In FODA - Fear of Dating Again JOMO - Joy of Missing Out

How We Do It

Not aliens. Not animals. Only us humans.   We do operate at all levels from the primitive to the high intellectual.   All of us, with the same brains, do similar things and in similar ways. But the organization changes are the requirements change.   The early tribes needed some rules to follow, plus many taboos about danger. The great modern civilizations also need rules to be sure but more than that, they need theories and beyond.   We assemble the bunch of them into a hierarchy of organizational traits or operational containers. This outline is not about epistemology or even ontology, topics having precise but different meanings.   This is about doing, assembling, understanding, and realizing. It is about multiple categories that mix up, contradict, conflict, and reject. You can have a taboo but reject and confirm it on the same day. These categories can be individual, yet commonplace, tribal, and societal.   ·       ...

Judgments vs Thinking

  For your travels today, whether directed, meandering, random-stepping, please consider… Judgments  are easy. No responsibility. No depth of examination. No reflection. Errors are rarely noticed. Truth of judgment becomes a crown to wear, a conceit, a self-justification. Thinking  is difficult. Self-reflection is essential. Self-delusion is ever-present. Self-examination is difficult. The assumption of error is correct. Solid, fully discoursed conclusions are sometimes impossible. Both together are not incompatible. Rodin - Thinker

Sinking Ships

Ships sink. ·         Because of small leaks not repaired. ·         Because huge waves swamp them. ·         Because icebergs rip them apart. ·         Because it takes on too much cargo. ·         Because the captain is incompetent. ·         Because the accumulated rust weakens them beyond help. ·         Because it runs upon a reef. The USA is a mighty ship.   It seems to be sinking, but why?  

Only a Snapshot

Pictured below is some random person maybe like you or me.   His mind is whirling about considering problems and decisions yet to make. He is reflecting on years past and years to come. He is wondering about whether to take action on reports just in. He may even be wondering on his children’s health and how they are doing in their classes. He may have a slight muscle pull in his right thigh, but you’ll never know. It’s humid today and his arthritis is troublesome – the price of rail-splitting years ago. He didn’t sleep well last night but must perform today, and he struggles on. He has meetings in the afternoon with a dozen of people he doesn’t like, and later must write letters of condolence to families. He yearns for the peace of mind that may never come and is ever worried about those depending on him. All the while he hopes for good news from Grant. He does have issues similar to you and me, with only their magnitude and consequence in the balance. He is gone and you are here...

Weak Leadership

  • Crime control is impossible without police presence. • Police presence is impossible without public support. • Public support is impossible without capable public leadership. The weakest link in this equation resides with the quality of leadership. Weak leadership implies rampant crime. Weak leadership implies poor police presence. Weak leadership implies an unsafe public. Weak leadership destroys families, tribes, towns, cities, and countries.

Bad China

  China's Consequence. · Most everyone believes the COVID-19 virus came from a lab in Wuhan, China. · Most everyone believes China deliberately developed this virus. · Most do not know if China intentionally released this virus - for whatever reasons. · Most everyone believes China is not giving full information on the nature of this problem. Thus, yet another black flag is associated with China in world memory. An earlier one concerns Huawei's spy communications chips. Need we mention China’s decades long use of prison labor in their factories and now Uyghur labor in their concentration camps. Who can forget Chairman Mao’s Great Cultural revolution, with 20 million deaths. Massive death is no stranger in China. Their latest abrogation of human rights is their absorption of Hong Kong. Fishing in the South China Sea is almost impossible these days if your ship doesn’t fly a Chinese flag. Therefore, in the future, China faces a horrific problem of trust – not to me...

Managing your Learning

Think of a book as a crutch. In your learning, you want to eventually throw the crutches away. Thus, in learning you want to be an alternate container of the book. To manage your learning, you must first learn about how you learn. This is very individual, and so how to do it depends on how you learn. This I don’t know, but I can offer some tips. 1.      Don’t forget you forget. So, material review is important. 2.      You only know something when it is fully contained in your mind and it all makes sense. Let no detail be missing. 3.      You must organize and manage your learning to times when YOU are receptive to learning. That means, you’re not tired, distracted, stressed, or depressed. 4.      You must not try to learn too fast. If you’re slow go slow, and don’t deprecate the feeling you are slow. Some learn slower but deeper, and this is very ok. 5.      Review what you’ve ...


 I do believe everyone believes hate is rampant in America. But hate has always been. Let's take a graphical look at the current situation and where we are and where we are going.  I was raised a country (this one) and  I remember the day when the cry was for there to be no color in America. All were to be simply citizens. Now witness the preaching of oppressor and oppressed, while others believe their country has deserted them. Hate travels by many names, and it has ascended with millions of followers.