You’re in high school or college. You will enter the job market soon. You need to know the new rules. You look around and see what’s happening. Puzzled, you ask: "Please tell me what is OK?" You need morality lessons, freshened for 21 st . It’s OK to be selfish. Most persons of importance and wealth are very selfish. It’s OK to be biased. Our newspapers and other new sources are extremely biased. It’s OK to hate. It’s OK for our politicians, who show us hate every single day. It’s OK to cheat. How else can you get ahead – say like graduate? It’s OK to support violence. But only for your just cause; it’s wrong for other causes. It’s OK to lie. Lying is justified for correct reasons, and yours are correct. It’s OK to equivocate. You need to make that point you know to be just and correct. It’s OK to be racist. Most targets of racism are themselves racists, and proudly so. It’s OK to be secular. Religion is out...
Random thoughts and used ideas