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Showing posts with the label Another climate problem

Cracked Eggs and Jet Trails

The Cracked Egg . Did you know that eggs meant for the grocery market undergo an automatic acoustic sensor test to determine if they are cracked.   Takes only a fraction of a second.   Cracked eggs are then rejected and ejected. (No, they are not sent back for repair.) ‘Tis a shame we don’t have acoustic sensor tests for people to make a similar determination.   But our cracked types are allowed to plunder on, offering little and taking a lot. --------------- Contrails. Did you know the contrails of jets may cause more global warming that all other sources combined?   And it’s getting worse. https://urldefense.proofpoint. com/v2/url?u=https-3A__weather .com_science_environment_news_ 2019-2D06-2D28-2Dair-2Dcraft-2 Dcontrails-2Dglobal-2Dwarming& d=DwICaQ&c=u6LDEWzohnDQ01ySGnx Mzg&r=mbbwiLKJmVf9GVoMN0YFR07k SNz_FRSQwQFzSWbMq4Y&m=EoTbr_hL iCwE-JrR-lHAn-UNyuy4KvbBN2LJhv _XX5I&s=KPo0Josc5m_hp8xQu-_h0R UHwxCtXcvo831g91Fltnk&e=    ---------------