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Showing posts with the label simulated universe

The Paradox of Simulations - Sports

This is a newer type of paradox based on an old idea. One part is about whether we exist in a computer simulated environment. You may recognize this concept from the film Matrix . However, previously there were science fiction novels along these lines. This type of paradox can easily be searched online, and we will not take it up at present. Every resolution establishes the simulated universe concept is erroneous or even ridiculous. In the appendix, we include some of the simulated universe paradoxes. Our intent is to discuss an alternative paradox of simulations for our own simulations of realistic situations. As discussed earlier, computer simulations, such as for the Monte Hall Paradox (#16) can be used to resolve it. They are also used to study other contingency possibilities. Even war games can be computer simulated. Currently, computer simulations have become a useful tool for the mathematical modeling of many natural systems in physics (computational physics), astrophysics, cl...