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Showing posts with the label rare

The Black Swan Event Paradox

Introduction. Coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a black swan event refers to an extremely rare, unpredictable, and unexpected event that has significant and widespread consequences [1] . More details will unfold in the discussion below. Possibly, the unpredictable and unexpected components dominate the true nature of black swan events.   The Black Swan Paradox . If you're expecting a black swan event, can it happen? Possibly NO .  The reason is that black swan events are  not  expected and not predictable. Your antennae are up in your world. You expect anything and everything. For example, if you expect an asteroid to strike the earth next year, it’s terrible but not a black swan event. On the other hand, if your fiance dumps you at the altar, that would be quite the black swan event, though of the personal variety and not particularly widespread.   Examples. No theory of black swan events exists, or principles for that matter. Perhaps one will develop...