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Showing posts with the label Robots


If you dig ditches for a living, and a robot replaces you, what can you do?   Certainly not repair robots. This requires quite a skill level quite beyond the dig.   You’re out. While it’s true automation creates new jobs, it is false those so replaced will qualify.   The diggers of the ditch is not an asset class. ---------------------------------- Heavy stirrings in this world are afoot, and they are out “to convert” you to the “true beliefs.”   Whose true beliefs?   Mine, of course.   These stirrings are in all Western countries, or more generally democratic countries where people can make decisions by vote.   The tools directed against the unbeliever arrive as words in print, social media, and television. There are also placards, T-shirts, and hats of all varieties. They are often profane, sometimes political, frequently delirious, but mostly sum to filth. In fact, human nature is to emphasize, proselytize, and criticize for (you to) chang...

Random Thoughts - 23

Robot is a relatively new word to the English language. It was the creation of the playwright, novelist and journalist Karel ÄŒapek, who introduced it in his 1920 hit play,  R.U.R. , or  Rossum's Universal Robots . The first robotic welder what invented in the USA in 1954. Vaccines. Washington state, a leading anti-vaccine state, currently has an outbreak of measles. This was caused partly by the anti-vaccine rage cause by the autism-caused-by-MMR vaccine scare of two decades ago.   Count in also religious objections. Of the 23 confirmed cases, 20 are of those having no previous vaccination. The World Health Organization, WHO, calls the anti-vaccine rage one of the world’s leading health disasters.*  Fingers. Apple reports it is working on finger movement in mixed reality UX (User Experience).   The beat goes on as virtual reality increases in our world.   The time may come when the experiences of virtual reality exceed those in quantity and qualit...

Robots and the Future

Many robots, at the industrial, home, and combat levels now exist.   They are becoming more powerful almost at a Moore’s law rate of doubling capacity every 18 months.   For decades now, many movies have depicted robots at more human levels.   Many of these films and let’s say “philosophers of robotics” suggest robots exceeding human capacity in almost every way.   One recent movie, “The Machine”, illustrates a robot vastly more powerful that humans, intellectually and emotionally, but also more human that humans.   They can pass the Turing test (Imitation game*) easily.   Ray Kurzweil** suggests that computer intellectual capacity will exceed humans by 2050,   easily passing the Turning test, and that by 2099 clear distinctions between humans and machines will no longer exist.   This is a tall order, if only considering the aspects of problems solving.***     Steven Hawking**** suggests that robots may be the next evolutionary ...