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Showing posts with the label stopping criterion

Ethical Responsibility of Research

Should researchers ethically responsible for the misinterpretation or misuse of their research by others? Absolutely not.   If you charge ethical responsibility for the misinterpretation or misuse of their research by others, then you face the possible regression backward in time of similar charges. For example, consider the computer chip.   It has been misused by Huawei for spying, by the military for ordnance guidance systems, for AI, and other nefarious purposes. This in turn forces charges against inventors of Internet type transmissions ( Vinton Cerf  and  Bob Kahn), the integrated circuit (Jack Kilby), the transistor (John Bardeen), the electron tube (John Ambrose Flemming), to the discovery of electrons (J.J. Thompson), and ultimately to the discoverer of electricity (Benjamin Franklin).   You could even go back to the notion of the atom (Democritus in 400 BC).   Where should we stop? Who should decide? The only possible case possible i...