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Showing posts with the label starvation

The Suicidal Middle East

One foreign policy problem the US faces comes from the concept, “Only we can fix it.” We messed up Middle East stability by toppling Saddam Hussein, a tyrant of the first order. Yet he understood his turf.   The USA invasion opened the door to Iran. Enter Iran, not exactly a softball team.   Now we’re trying hard to close that door. And failing. In another failing of the US is it always underestimates just how much pain, suffering, and starvation despots will accept on behalf of their people. Under current sanctions, every day Iranians are in dire straits.   Venezuelan citizens have access to even less without concern by their government. North Koreans endure impoverished lives for the glory of the controlling regime. Russians suffer calmly as only they can. The latest Middle East attempt from the US is to unleash Turkey, whose boss, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan , is brimming for big power. Trump has now given him the chance. So, Erdoğan , accustomed to only small-ti...

Kim Jong Un Forever?

Why will North Korea’s strong man dictator Kim Jong Un will never permit any sort of coorperation with South Korea or inspection of his country by outsiders? It's all about the consequences of exposure.  Many of his sins are hidden because of total news blackouts.  His master state, China, may be aware of many of his sins, but for them it becomes a conviction by proxy should the sins become known. Thus Kim is indirectly protected.  Both China and Russia (thought to be Kim’s supplier of rocket engines) are aware and dread the day Kim is exposed.  Such is Kim’s buffer. Kim’s sins and secrets: Nuclear weapons – the open sin Offensive ICBM and other missiles – the delivery vehicles of choice Weapons export – to Iran and elsewhere Radiological contamination – almost a certain consequence of nuclear testing* Biological testing – e.g. possible Anthrax experimentation* Slavery – export of his own to forced labor in China and other countries Torture – of pr...

So you want to be a lion?

Predators. I like to watch the Planet Earth series produced by the BBC. The stories, photography, and economical narration by David Attenborough are wonderful.  The music composed by George Fenton is perfect.    Episodes on predators are fascinating.  So you want to be a lion?  Powerful, fast, feared, easy life, high protein diet - a top predator.  Think again. One thing  I’ve learned is how careful predators must be with their physical plant, i.e. their bodies.  Any injury befalling them, such as a broken paw, sprained leg, or a gore wound, not only loses them their prey, but ultimately kills them by starvation.  They have no doctors and even no friends among their kind. Each is an independent agent living a risky life and trying to survive until, finally overtaken by age, it dies by weakness or starvation. It is a certainty that many lose senses of smell, vision, hearing, or even develop dental problems - also fatal. No me...