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Showing posts with the label mind

Heart, Mind, and Soul

  My heart talks to my mind, and my mind talks to my heart, and you know? They don't agree very much. This is one of the fundamental conflicts in human problem-solving. How many of us stumble along day after day listening to both, digging deeper and deeper into foggy confusion?  If you want clarity, you must insist on having it. Here we see analysis and emotions working at cross purposes.    Taking this a step further, we add that my soul gives me altogether different instructions, thus generating a three-way conflict between analysis, emotion, and beliefs. How some of us make it from day to day is miraculous. 

Memory and the Mind – a Dreamscape

Did you ever consider the complexity or development of your mind correlates and corresponds with your dreams? The caveman who hunts by day and eats at the campfire has dreams little more than this and the world of his senses. The engineer, with immense training, living in a complex world, performing complex tasks by day, necessarily has more complex dreams intertwined with everyday events of friends and family.   While this seems natural and simple, a step more complex is involved. All those complex dreams of the engineer use the advanced workings and training of the mind and memory, testing, working, and variating those same mental features used by day.   In fact, during the dreams, the mind gets a “nighttime workout.” The result is a more pliable and active mind for the next day.   Although most of us enter adulthood with a mind mostly trained, we can simulate or actuate higher-order mental features by giving the conscious mind a boost before dreaming.   One ...

Cracked Eggs and Jet Trails

The Cracked Egg . Did you know that eggs meant for the grocery market undergo an automatic acoustic sensor test to determine if they are cracked.   Takes only a fraction of a second.   Cracked eggs are then rejected and ejected. (No, they are not sent back for repair.) ‘Tis a shame we don’t have acoustic sensor tests for people to make a similar determination.   But our cracked types are allowed to plunder on, offering little and taking a lot. --------------- Contrails. Did you know the contrails of jets may cause more global warming that all other sources combined?   And it’s getting worse. https://urldefense.proofpoint. com/v2/url?u=https-3A__weather .com_science_environment_news_ 2019-2D06-2D28-2Dair-2Dcraft-2 Dcontrails-2Dglobal-2Dwarming& d=DwICaQ&c=u6LDEWzohnDQ01ySGnx Mzg&r=mbbwiLKJmVf9GVoMN0YFR07k SNz_FRSQwQFzSWbMq4Y&m=EoTbr_hL iCwE-JrR-lHAn-UNyuy4KvbBN2LJhv _XX5I&s=KPo0Josc5m_hp8xQu-_h0R UHwxCtXcvo831g91Fltnk&e=  ...

Mind and Brain

The brain and the mind For most chordates, the brain is a neural system of nodes firing as they will. The brain is comprised of several systems, sensory, regulatory, and otherwise, each competing for system resources. These systems create the brain state.    The mind controls, or attempts to control this system.   This is a duality, a form much discussed for millennia. Here we attempt a functional approach, with the brain and the mind each maintaining independent, though highly dependent roles one upon the other.   Of the mind and brain, we ask ·          How does it do it? ·          Why does it do it? It comes to The Task .   The task is the fundamental extraordinary function of the every single organism.   Extraordinary because the simplest organisms exists and respond to stimuli in a programmed manner.   They exist and survive or not on the basis of the pro...