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Showing posts with the label curve ball


The slider If you’re a baseball fan, a slider is a type of pitch that tails laterally down through the batting zone.   Basically, it is a curveball , not horizontally left to right, but vertically down and to one side. If you’re a baseball runner, you might be sliding into home plate to avoid being tagged out. You’d be a slider. If you’re a kid, you could be called a slider by sliding on the winter ice. Luge racers are called sliders.   In the summer, you could slide down a hill on your butt – becoming a slider.   If you’re a radio or TV slider, you would be a knob that slides left-to-right or up-down to change the volume or station, rather than in a circular motion. If you’re a door, say to a patio that slides to open or close, you’d be called a slider. If you’re in a restaurant, you might order a dish of sliders, small little burgers served in four's. Also they are served as Hor d oeuvres .   Usually overcooked, they are often dry and taste...