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Showing posts with the label campaign promises

Lies, Damned Lies, and all That

Over a century ago, British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli penned ,”There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.”   So true this is I’ve advocated for years my all students should take a Stat course.   We’ve advanced and now it is safe to say there are Lies, damned lists, statistics, and campaign promises. You can tell because whenever a campaign promise is kept, it becomes actual news. Even the official remarks on it as though one finally happened.   A regular flurry of press releases issue forth as if from a snow machine.   Remarkably, every election season most people vote for these promises knowing all the while they will not likely become reality.   Elections, therefore, are the single greatest example of hope by mankind – or are they simply legalized gambling events?    (You bet your future on outcomes you don’t expect. 😊 )