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Five Easy Excuses

First, note these days it seems the quality in politicians is much diminished.   Almost a laugh it is except these folks are running the place or running the opposition.   In modern politics, you must never change your mind or apologize. Doing either is not unlike putting “blood into shark-infested waters.”    If you do, you’re in deep trouble, and you know it. So what can you do? What do you see and hear?   There are four, newly five, accepted excuses. a.   Double down – reaffirm what you said no matter how stupid it was. b. Be unapologetic – stand your ground showing strength not weakness. c. Claim your remarks were taken out of context – a favorite for VIP politicians. d. Deny all – a tenuous move where you truly hope no further evidence pops up. e. Credit your moral correctness – while your statement erred only a “little.”* * Relatively recent