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Showing posts with the label facists

Thoughts XXXI - my motto, chocolate pie, fascists

Motto. Numen Lumen is the motto of my alma mater, the University of Wisconsin.   But what does it mean?   One, rather vague, translation is “The divine within the universe, however manifested, is my light.”   However, it is essentially meaningless, untranslatable.   Created by the first chancellor, John Lathro p, it is still important but little used.   It seems Lathrop was the quintessential politician, creating a motto with an interpretation suitably vague to be suitable for all.   Well, that was then.   Now, mottos must be brutally blunt and simplistic, suitable for grade 4 readers, i.e. modern college students.  ---------- Question. What do you call a group when they don’t respond to the charge of being racist?   Fascists. What do you call a group that participates in frequent anarchist-style demonstrations? Fascists. This is what the Dems and Reps are calling each other these days.   This seems to be the lowest attribute available.   It goes a bit further when app