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Showing posts with the label energy

Wasting Energy

  Wasting Energy Are you an energy-saving device? Let’s take a brief inventory of wise vs. waste in using your energy. After all, you have only so much energy to expend. A.     Things that waste energy. ·         Hate ·         Worry ·         Vengeance ·         Futility ·         Obsessions ·         Bad habits B.     Things that use energy wisely. ·         Health ·         Thinking ·         Reading ·         Loving ·         Teaching ·         Caring ·         Creativity

Organic is your word for today

In the olden days, like only twenty years ago, there was organic chemistry - the study of the chemistry of living organisms.   Biology was the quintessential organic science.   These days, the term “organic” is applied to almost everything.   We have ·        Organic crops – promised vegetables grown with only approved pesticides and fertilizers, and “certified.” ·        Organic growth in business – meaning a business is grown from within as a dynamical organizational process; mergers and acquisitions are considered inorganic. ·        Organic organization – referring to a flexible management style readily adaptable to changes, as opposed to the mechanistic , or top-down management system. ·        Organic military – often meaning a n  organic  (military) unit that is a permanent part of a larger unit with a specialized capability to that parent unit. ·        Organic education – basically meaning that children are born to learn and they want to learn, and educators must f


Can you forgive?  It's not easy, you might agree.  If you wish to read a good article on forgiveness, please see This article emphasizes that forgiveness requires strength, love, wisdom, and an open heart. My response.  While forgiveness requires energy as the article posits, failure to forgive implies maintaining a "resident" animus. This requires even more energy. It requires an action in life, an interrupt in daily living, and a vigil against intersection.  It requires the maintenance of a catalog of transgressions.  It loads the mind and soul with unneeded baggage. To be unforgiving and hateful both are a burden. I have found that of the binary possibilities, "forgive and forget,"  to  forget  is the easier.  Not up to the activity of forgiving, it relaxes energy requirements on the system and calms the mind. In a way, it resets a relation with only a small "black flag" attached. I use it a lot