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Showing posts with the label confidence

Complete Self-Confidence

Complete self-confidence is not merely a sin; complete self-confidence is a weakness.   ---   G. K. Chesterton, in Orthodoxy , 1908.   Though Orthodoxy was written as a Christian apology, this quote has an especially   definite and profound secular value. Most truly intelligent people I know have incomplet e self-confidence. The self-confidence allows them to approach extremely difficult problems, while the incompleteness delimits first guesses and jumps toward a firmament of knowledge without proof. Complete self-confidence often comes with a built-in orthodoxy allowing easy conclusions based on easy thinking. Complete self-confidence offers self-assurance, thus casting self-doubt, introspection, and rigor aside. Complete self-confidence weakens the   holder’s   grasp on reality in favor of an internal mechanism of an unmerited self-righteousness.   Complete self-confidence weakens the need for rigor in acceptance or belief in almost ...

Random Thoughts - 8

You hear much about Apple TV, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and all those other services selling alternative programming.  Why is that?  It could be little more than enhanced alternatives with another channel for delivery. It could be more choices.  It could be the traditional television networks offer little more beyond their traditional tripe. It doesn’t work any more. ------------------- I’ve been watching on Netflix an Australian series, Dr. Blake Mysteries .  Not bad.  How lucky they were, five years after total war, these citizens during the years 1946-1959.  It is true: Many were still grimaced by the war. Many were still grieved by their losses. Many were still flagged from their suffering.  However, almost all rejoiced in their affirmation of the excellence of our victorious countries, our system, what they stood for, and their preeminent position in the world.  Aside from the horror, there remained a certainty we were right, the enemy ...

Cyprus Banking, Confidence, and Trust

Banking is a subject I know little about.  Trust is a subject I've studied.  Confidence is a subject I do know.  What we have on the table is an issue involving confidence and trust in the Banks of Cyprus. Of late the banks in Cyprus have been closed due to the serious financial conditions in this island country. Cyprus is broke, far extended in credit, and well beyond ability for repayment without serious public pain.  At first there was to be a sur-tax on all bank accounts, then on all accounts greater than a specified amount. And so on as this has evolved.  Currently, people cannot really access their money at all. Sure, we see street demonstrations by the citizens objecting to about everything.  But later, when they return home, they must plan for their possible futures.  What will they plan?  Who will they trust?  In what is their confidence? The bank?  The government?  The EZ?   All of these? Wha...