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Showing posts with the label waste of time

Your Time Is Limited

  Your Time is Limited Each of us is given only so much time. There are no timeouts for mistakes, though no worthwhile life can be lived without them. It is best not to waste too much of it, though we’re all guilty as charged. Waste of time - examples ·         Repetition of useless endeavors. ·         Spending too much time on problems you can’t solve. ·         Creating problems you don’t need or want. ·         Obsessively being materialistic. ·         Obsessively chasing mere status. ·         Making malicious harm, including revenge. ·         Dwelling on past mistakes. They happen. Good uses of time – examples ·         Take care of your physical plant through diet and exercise. ·         Taking care of your children, giving them your best time. ·         Loving life and giving love. ·         Reflecting on life, relaxing, appreciating. ·         Counting your blessings. ·         Learning and understanding new things, mistakes incl