How to recognize intuition in others – even ourselves.
People with great
intuition seem to see a solution without an apparent train of thought. It may
appear effortless, but usually, the understanding has much previous
preparation. Intuition is one of about eight problem-solving techniques we use
in all phases of life. Great advances depend on them. Great parents have
intuition, often without knowing it. That excellent mechanic or craftsman we
wished we hired has it. They know because they see deep patterns beyond
treatises on procedure. The
intuitive teacher knows from the slightest facial expression or words if the
student is having trouble.
Your intuition is best about subjects you know
In geometry, they
may see how the parts fit together; in literature, they may write just the
right expression or turn of phrase. In personal relations, they may know just
what to do without excitement or apparent revelation. In diplomacy, they may
have an instinctive understanding of what their opponents may desire and play
to it. Great police detectives rely on it, as they live in low information
Usually, the
intuitive are not geniuses, but most geniuses have a fantastic intuition and
almost all work very hard developing their intuition. The intuitive person
seems to have a mind within their mind, always busy under the radar giving
reports as needed. Pictorially, the intuitive person can see the full picture
of a puzzle, know only a few pieces.
People with
intuition generally are not pedantic, rigid, or mechanical in their
thinking. These three qualities are barriers to intuition. Such folks prefer
rules, manuals, and laws. Note, as well, intuition can be faked, often by
So, are you
the prodigy have intuition or a strong proclivity?
Rembrandt have artistic intuition or a consummate skill?
your intuition change with more input, e.g. information?
you rely on the intuitive for guidance?
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