You think of a good idea. You try the new idea. The new idea fails totally. A. You can say, "This sucks," and dump the new idea. B. The politician with the same idea cannot. They will double down and say either it does work or will work, and especially, we need more money to make it work better. The hapless politician has not the luxury of dumping something they create. So, why? 1. Why? Because opponents will excoriate them, and people will believe them, and then not vote for them. 2. Why? Because people are simplistic computing machines accepting everything at face value. 3. Why? Because our education system simply does not teach critical thinking but superficially jumping to the next fad. 4. Why? Because the colleges don't teach anymore. They merely transfer talking points. 5. Why? Because college teachers are busy with their research or fear repudiation by irate students. 6. Why? Because their parents hover above their kids trying to ...
Random thoughts and used ideas