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Showing posts with the label deep learning

News of the Future

Anonymous News Network (ANN) – The coulda-shoulda news that prints what causes fits. Staff: Editor in chief -   to properly decide the political appropriateness of items Innovations news editor – develops articles based on what shoulda been true Creative news editor – develops articles based on what coulda been true Anonymous news editor – processes actual anonymous tips Editorial news editor – to construct editorials based on the creations of editorial staff Safe-space editor – to write articles about personal and group safe spaces Entertainment editor – to follow celebrities through their news releases Tweets editor – to develop short pieces based only on external Tweets.   Introducing our new “ Interview App .”  Download and it will walk you through the interview process. It asks the questions and you give a response. Pictures may be uploaded.  Upstream, our deep learning programs construct an actual interview article fit for print. Subscribe a...

Anti-trust - 21st century style

Anti-trust – 21 st century style All of us know when a particular company or cabal of companies begin to and then control a sector of products, it invokes attention.  These companies are sometimes subject to the anti-trust provisions of the law, i.e. Sherman Anti-Trust.  That was yesterday, when companies created an unfair market advantage to increase profits.  Many companies were broken up in this way, notably Standard Oil. Today is different, with monopolies and cabals created to hold information, the commodity of the future.  Implied here is that large corporations such as Amazon and Facebook contain so much information about citizens, it can actually affect what people do and how they buy.  By marketing information, they will soon be moving into altering what citizens think, and even how they vote.  The tip of this is already evident, with many pundits and news anchors discussing that such firms are becoming too big and controlling too much le...

Social Media

Social Media Standards We see more and more inciteful postings appearing on various social media sites.  These include of course recruitment to terrorism – the big one.  Social media sites state they are continually trying to reduce such postings, but they are completely on their own recognizance on how to do it and what to do.  Thus, little is achieved.  They don’t know what to do and simply do not wish to spend the resources to do anything. What is currently missing is a set of standards for what should not be posted.  Such standards for what cannot be transmitted on broadcast television do exist, and while they are mild they have worked for decades.  Ask anyone, I do not favor more regulations, but it is time the government should create an independent agency to first study this problem and then develop standards and guidelines.  Representatives of the the industry, elected officials, and media experts should be involved. However, unles...