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Showing posts with the label choice

School Choice or Choice Schools?

Do we want school choice or choice schools?  The latter we do not have in general; we do have the opposite: too many bad schools.   When the USA, for all its expenditure on education, ranks rather low on international tests, there obtains an indelible indicator.  Hence, we witness the birth of the alternative, charter schools. We’ve always had the private schools as religious-based or expensive prep types.  But they are part of the system, and not what the ed establishment decries.  It is these new charter schools earning the black grades of some officials. Know their talking points*.  The following are typical. 1.      Privatized school choice will inevitably reduce funding for your local neighborhood public schools . 2.      Direct and disguised vouchers to private schools and other public school alternatives start small and then expand, increasing the burden on taxpayers. 3.     ...

Do you believe the news?

Choice and Bernie .   For those of you disappointed with the presidential election, there is hope in the form of a Facebook page, occupydemocrats.   To me it is new.   Check out   This is a site for disgruntled, depressed, and disappointed people to vent about the election, basically to continue the debate, to encourage news reports disfavoring Trump, and to support Obama to seize power and allow another election – this time a fair election. It supports my view that bitterness of the losing party has intensified over the past couple of decades.   I am certain there are conservative sites, as well, allowing the other camp to vent their opinions on whatever, even the recent election outcomes. However, I don't know of any and won't look. Bernie Goldberg, a former CBS reporter, understands why.   To paraphrase, “People gravitate to sources of information that validate their own viewpoints, favoring what they ...