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Showing posts with the label peace

Taliban Strategy

Lessons from Afghanistan, over the centuries. A. You cannot have peace until you settle all scores?  B. First, we tear down our own world, and destroy all enemies. Then we'll talk peace.  C. We kill the Infidel in loving service to Allah.

Scorecard for Planet Earth

What’s good about the world?   We’re not looking for miracles or final results. We are looking for improvement.   Let’s not look at the world we don’t have now, but look more at the far and recent past where almost nothing was possible, available, accessible, and the like.  Our list does not include everyone everywhere.   Progress is not constant nor uniform.   In some places forward steps come in leaps while in others backward steps seem the rule.   With all we hear daily of riots here, wars there, violence in the streets, intrigue in the palace, assassinations,   subversions, perversions, and all others, we take a pause and consider what we have is far, far beyond the situations of almost all only a century or two ago.       We now live in a world where most people --- Have some civil rights. Have basic schooling. Have machines to make life easier. Have food produced by an agricultural bounty. Have some rights to practice a religion of choice. Are neither s

Poor Donald Trump

If the election is likened to the game of Bridge, the nation may bid no-Trump.      Below is a letter I wrote to Eric Trump, son of “the Donald.” In it I note that Donald Trump is all but gone as a presidential candidate.   If you are a Trump supporter, this may come as dismal news.   If you support Clinton, you will be elated.   I am hopeful that Trump will become a more respectful candidate, making the election more competitive. The alternative is to give Clinton a mandate in the coming election.   This is never good.   It would not be good for either.   It implies the winner can simply ignore critique and pursue their most base predilections. Leadership is critical for a President.   Balance is vital as well.   Eric, When your dad stabilizes and acts intelligent by not shooting off his mouth whenever he feels affronted, then I will reconsider. Yet, I think you know this is what he does.  You have seen it in board room meetings.  You have seen his nasty little remarks to

Christmas is Unique

Christmas is unique.  It is the celebration of the birth of a foundational leader of humanity.  It has become the celebration of peace on earth and good will to man.  It has become a time to examine our fundamental beliefs whatever they may be. It is a time to consider vices such as greed, self-interest, and sloth.  It is a time to transcend the normal, even new normals, of our lives.  It is a time to look beyond the everyday and look to the future.  It is a time for hope and optimism however repressed or depressed we may be.  It is a time to give of ourselves and our fortunes to those in need.  It is the time for charity.   Indeed, the needy do define where we are, who we are.   It is a time to try to understand the plight of so many millions under the sites of a gun, under the aegis of a dictator, or under the states of starvation, disease, and discomfort. It is a unique time for all religions. This is why this period is singular in all the world.  It has become a time where all