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Showing posts with the label garden of hate

Pure Hate

Hate quotes are everywhere.   The Internet is loaded with them.   Many are created by celebrities trying to be clever.   Many more are created by philosophers. Others are biblical.   Some are fantastic; most are stupid. Check them out.   Did you know the usage of “hate” in the literature has tripled in the last twenty years*?   Hate is becoming ever more popular.   Here are few manufactured at my little factory of convolution – except for the Perry Mason quote, which I like. Hate is the swizzle stick of discontent.   (And after it stirs things up, it pollutes.) Some people tend a garden of hatred, fertilizing their crops with coarse and vile thought. “Hate has a taste all its own that fills your throat and chokes you.” --- The Perry Mason Show, The Nervous Accomplice. Hate destroys - the self when internal, others when external. “I hate the weather,” is not hate, but merely a rebuke. They say hate is an emotion, but it is also a fuel. Hate is expected to be a bumper crop