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Showing posts with the label soccer

Thoughts XIX

Many people know how to handle kindness, love, and charity. For they know how to give these. Other people know how to handle hate, vengeance, and retribution, for the same reason. Love is a curious commodity.  Note the word "commodity.".  It implies capacity, intensity, quality, constancy, and longevity.  Humans vary, and so do their expressions and meanings of love. More importantly is their capacity for love.  Remarkably, many have diminished capacity for love, but unlimited capacity for hate, a mirrored expression of feelings. Soccer is the only sport I know of where the fans regularly sing in chorus.  The songs are filled with joy and enthusiasm. It must be inspiring to the home team.  In soccer, with relegation* the norm, the excitement of games for teams near the bottom are every bit as high as games between the top contenders.  However, it is relatively easy to see large differences in the quality of the play.  *The bottom three teams are relegated

Thoughts XI

"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." --- Shakespeare The legal profession has about the broadest range of intellectual ability as any of the prominent professions.  Known to most as an important profession, necessary in a complex society, but for which billed fees are perceived as disproportionate to the services rendered.  This we know.  However, it is the range of skill of lawyers, from supreme intellect to barely literate that we come upon.  It's all in the licensing. Many folks could handle simple wills, property closing, contract execution and enforcement, and numerous lawyerly skills. For most of these tasks there are strict procedures of practice. Very little actual legal knowledge is required. There is a difference between understanding the nature of the law and preparing a will or trust for some needful client.  To be sure, without licensing the doors would open to completely unscrupulous, incompetent, and immoral practitioners.  Licensin