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Showing posts with the label logical fallacies


How can I understand my opponent when we have different opinions? This is an interesting question, partly because we all have differences of opinion, and surely we see them every day in politics. To help you understand, we will give you the principal techniques. A. It’s all in the axioms . Many disagreements stem from a difference in what both of you believe to be true (or correct) when you create your viewpoints. Change the axioms and you will wind up with different conclusions. This assumes other conditions, such as your logic, remain the same. B. Misconceptions or misunderstandings . What this means is that your opposite has a misunderstanding or misconception of something that causes conflicts in your understanding. These take some time to uncover. It is easier to detect for math problems. Often misconceptions cannot be simply revealed as they are intertwined with the belief system. They have to be self-discovered. I recommend you drop the conflict or debate. C. Logical fallac...

Logical Fallacies. What They Are and What to Do.

Logical Fallacies. What They Are and What to Do. Argumentation is a technical term for trying to convince someone of a point of view or even a truth. Logical and emotional arguments are two principal ways to argue. Logical fallacies are those methods that pretend to be logical but are substantially flawed.  Formally then, we present a few of the more typical logical fallacies. We follow it up with tips that indicate what to look for when debating/arguing/conversing with a friend or opponent. ·         Ad hominem - attacking the person making the argument rather than the argument itself. ·         Straw man - misrepresenting the opponent's argument in order to make it easier to attack. ·         False dilemma - presenting two options as the only possible options, when in fact there are other options available. ·         Begging the que...