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Showing posts with the label cyber-invasion

If Amazon was Hacked

We have just learned that UBER was hacked more than a year ago of millions of customer identities.  They covered it up and paid a ransom.  The report came only today.  This comes on the heals of government, commercial, collegiate and other hacking of information across the board – throughout the country and world. Now consider the possibility that Amazon is hacked for all its information.  Such an event could destroy this massive firm.  I am not suggesting it has been, but I figure the probability at 1.0 (certainty) it has been attempted.  Ditto for Walmart,  Paypal, etc.  We must hope these companies pay close attention to cyber-invaders from afar.  However, cyber-security costs money, a principle reason so many other companies have been hacked.  They did not pay attention, were not vigilant, or fund necessary security.  It has been my experience that people at the top have little prior experience with these modern risks ...