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On Memory - Part II Relational Recall

In this, the second chapter of On Memory , (for the first chapter see ) the subject at hand is called relational recall, the recollection of deep memories by appropriate stimuli.   When it comes to memory literature, the most important topics you find are how to improve your memory through tricks and exercise, and how to better remember something.   You also see many technical studies examining short-term memory connected with various (physical) sense stimuli.   We’ll discuss a few of these below.    However, our main topic is the recollection of long term memories, those forgotten in the expanse of time. Note.   You have probably irretrievably forgotten most of all your experience, whether, by cognizance or by physical sense.   Don’t believe even for a moment you can get it all back.   You can’t.   Don’t believe you use only 10% of your brain power – a philosopher’s statement.   Most of us use every bit of what we