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Showing posts with the label Study

HOW TO STUDY AND LEARN? Tips for Everyone

Learning from a book or notes should be viewed as using a crutch - the ultimate aim is to internalize the knowledge so thoroughly that you no longer need these aids. Your goal is to become a new container of the information. To achieve this, understanding your personal learning style is crucial, as organization methods vary from person to person. Here are some general, foundational tips: Remember, You Forget : Regular review of material is essential because forgetting is part of the learning process. True Knowledge : You only truly know something when you understand every detail and it all makes sense within your mind. Understanding vs. Acceptance : After studying, ask yourself if you understand the material or if you're merely accepting it at face value. Understanding leads to learning and retention; acceptance does not. Optimal Learning Times : Schedule your learning during times when you are most receptive, avoiding periods when you're tired, distracted, stressed, or depress...

How to learn when you can't learn?

Given are two answers. A. Here’s the standard answer to your question. Study hard, learn much, do problems, and then you will understand. Then study harder.  B. Here’s an alternative answer. Do what wisdom does when understanding is delayed. Example. Infinity. It is safe to say no one really understands infinity. BUT, what most of us* do is learn the rules of infinity and work within them. Over and over again. Eventually, you are accustomed to all the rules, and this becomes your understanding. Your alternative is to learn the rules of the subject you have trouble with. Learn to work with them. Review and do dozens upon dozens of problems. By and by, you will be accustomed to them; you will have facility with them, and this will convert to your understanding. I know this sounds a bit cynical, but it does work. Please note, this alternative is not a shortcut. Both take much time and work. This is how most people understand God, who like infinity, is beyond comprehension. -----------...

Study, Sleep, Sickness and Success

The Latest on Study, Sleep, Sickness and Success   The recent wisdom on learning using technology tells us that we should all get with it, get laptops, get tablets, learn more and better.     We are just an iPAD from true success - some educators would have us believe.   But this is now disproven.   It just doesn’t happen.   Your grandmother could have told you to get plenty of rest, particularly when you are sick.   Grandma’s folk-wisdom/folk- medicine is now confirmed!   Finally, when you tell your students to study hard for the big exam, and that their success and even future depend on it.   Just a little scare to get them motivated to hit the books, you think.    Indeed, don’t depend on the veracity of your good advice.   It’s just plain wrong! ·          SLEEP AWAY YOUR ILLS .   A good night's sleep really CAN make you feel better: Researchers say long naps can boost ...