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Showing posts with the label beauty

The Price of Beauty

Beauty is not easy. Consider Countless hours taking care of the skin, with Creams, rubs, cleansing, moisturizers. The right diet with vegetables, fruit, and protein. Careful hair care. Plenty of sleep and exercise. Taste with clothing. Total expertise with makeup. Intelligence helps a lot.   For the young, beauty is mostly natural. For the next thirty years, it is hard work and very expensive.   For the men folk: This is not unlike the athlete who performs analogously, but less rigorously, at a different “sport.”

The Price of Beauty

  Cosmetics, according to the New York Post: American women spend an average of  $115 for makeup and beauty treatments per month , or $1,380 per year. They also spend an average of $65 per month on creams, lotions, moisturizers, and anti-aging treatments. This is not new. Women have spent big on makeup since ancient times. 

The Beauty of Calmness

On Calmness. One thing I never noticed before now is the calmness conveyed by people.   In particular, many women convey a certain calmness in their appearance.   This calmness engenders relief from the chaos surrounding you. It settles erratic fears. It soothes and relaxes the home.  However, I never realized that calmness is a deep form of beauty. Is this the beauty of the Mona Lisa ? Is this what da Vinci captured many centuries ago? I think so. The same must hold for men, but I’m less able to perceive it.