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Showing posts with the label life

Problem Solving

Often I get questions about math. Some tell me they like math but just can't solve the problems. What I always say is this. Life is solving problems. If you can’t solve problems, your life will be one speed bump after another, one crisis after another, one brick wall after another. Learn how to solve problems. First you learn at home from toys and your parents. However, school is the first place you learn this formally. Others are experience, reading, management, parenting, teaching, hunting, sports, carpentry, and many more. All teach applicable lessons for life's problem solving. As John Daly on What's My Line , would say about everyone. "My line is problem solving." Now a word about math... All that said, you may like math, but you cannot say you’ve learned it unless you can solve related problems. Otherwise, it would be self-deception.

Abraham Lincoln and Prayer

  Abraham Lincoln, if truth be known, was not a religious man, but he did understand prayer. Partly, he viewed prayer as deep introspection, without the external pressures of life, seeking wisdom and calmness to carry on. In managing a deadly war, Lincoln needed internal guideposts to carry on. Many personalize this through a Divine spirit, and this helps with understanding, gives reverence, and connects to others. It helps cut through the impossible to possibility. Anyway, even the most devout atheist needs prayer, if only to give reverence to life, to elevate life above a chemical jungle of automatic process. Prayer has great merit and should be practiced by all.

The Power of One

Never underestimate the power of ONE. ·         In business, one page is enough. ·         In admonition, one sentence is enough. ·         In summary, one paragraph is enough. ·         In dieting, one sweet is enough. ·         In life, one true love is enough.  

Good Advice - Undelivered

A. You’re not here on Earth just to pay bills and clean the house. B. In your life’s journey, you are the driver, not a passenger. So drive already. Remark .  Good advice both, but how do you get it to those who need it? The problem with most good advice is that it never gets delivered.

On Education

Educational experts always wax on about their pedagogies, their philosophies, and their whatever-centered teaching.  They rarely discuss the classroom itself except for their dreamy platform where all parties learn together.  This simply equivocates the dumbest with the  smartest.  Most forget, the teacher is the expert and is supposed to be. Students don’t want to  challenge an equal, they want to test their new knowledge and abilities against a true source of knowledge. But do teachers want to be challenged?  So,  ... On education.   (For teachers and students alike.) If you don’t challenge your teacher by the time you‘re senior, maybe you’re too scared. Not good. If your teacher doesn’t encourage challenges, maybe he/she is too scared. Worse. -------------------------- On Life. (Helping you get all the way to tomorrow.) Important it is to reflect on every day.   Look for progress, love, and happiness. These give las...

Random Thoughts - 29

If you cheat to enter a college, you’ll cheat when you get there. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Economists make fortune tellers and astrologers look good.   - Author unknown /////////////////// Never underestimate the power of a well-made argument.   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ To be the best you can be is a journey – of both you and the term.   Your “best” at age 20 is different from your   “best” at age 40 or at age 60. “Best” is at best a moving target when it comes to you and me. /////////////////// Life’s journey is taken in steps, giant, tiny, sideways, backward , forwards, up, down, and stationary. You’ve heard the expressions, all about the steps you take Going Nowhere. Going somewhere. Going Backward. A giant leap... Heading up. Going in circles.

At One Point of Your Life

At One Point of Your Life At one point of your life you dream of all those things that may yet be. At one point of your life you think of dreams that have come true. At one point of your life you think of all those dreams that have slipped from your grasp. At one point of your life you think about past dreams that never will be. At one point of your life you dream no longer but think on the joys that remain.

Scoring Your Life

Life in three’s is a broad scope framework of how we live. Three categories usually work, though sometimes two (e.g. win-lose) suffice. Then again for seasons, spring, summer, fall, and winter seem necessary, though seasons are put upon us, not by choice.   Let's get to living and the divisions by three. We think in three’s, easy, reasonable, difficult. We order in three’s, small medium, large. We travel in three’s, slow, medium, fast. We work in three’s, casual, diligent, intense. We play in three’s, fun, sport, competition. We love in three’s, like, love, obsession. Scoring.  For each category, award one point for the first division, two for the second, and three for the third. Sum them all.  The total should range from 6 to 18. If the total is 10 or less, your life is tepid. A total of 15 or greater tells us you're driving hard.  What's your score?

We Love Quotes

On Quotes Making a quote is a combination of the economy of just the right words and subject.   “A stitch in time saves nine,” is a classic for brevity, accuracy, and memorability.   Another is, “You will never win if you don’t begin” by Helen Rowland.   From Confucius we are instructed, “ Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” But is it really?   “To the victor go the spoils,” is so famous with so many variations, its original author has been forgotten*. Often quotes have a vague tone allowing for multiple interpretations, at least one resonating with the reader. Many are optimistic while others are cautionary.   Some of the favorites are “end-of-the-day” types where it seems life is speaking to you from afar. Below are a few variations on the same theme of the sweet life not being what it seemed .   You believe you’ve found the sweet spot of living only to find it candy-coated misery. Just when you’ve found the s...

Christmas is Unique

Christmas is unique.  It is the celebration of the birth of a foundational leader of humanity.  It has become the celebration of peace on earth and good will to man.  It has become a time to examine our fundamental beliefs whatever they may be. It is a time to consider vices such as greed, self-interest, and sloth.  It is a time to transcend the normal, even new normals, of our lives.  It is a time to look beyond the everyday and look to the future.  It is a time for hope and optimism however repressed or depressed we may be.  It is a time to give of ourselves and our fortunes to those in need.  It is the time for charity.   Indeed, the needy do define where we are, who we are.   It is a time to try to understand the plight of so many millions under the sites of a gun, under the aegis of a dictator, or under the states of starvation, disease, and discomfort. It is a unique time for all religions. This is why this ...