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Showing posts with the label business

CORRUPTION in Business and Government

When a CEO or President is found to be corrupt, you can be assured this person is  not alone. A corrupt president can scarcely work alone. Too many people are aware of his/her activities.   Count on up to the next three levels down is also mostly corrupt. Thus the vice presidents, assistant vice presidents, and many down into the manager ranks are likely corrupt.   You might say corruption grows roots. Why?   Because the corrupt hire the corrupt. Reasons? Comfort factor, operations factor, alliance factor, and cover factor, are just four. Why not further down? Because the corrupt need secrecy, and thus the circle of corruption must remain small, as in manageable to control leaks. How to detect who is corrupt? Look at the group of leaders gaining a total of 90% of the bonus money. This will comprise the inner circle if corruption is present. Examples in business. Wirecard Scandal (2020), WorldCom Scandal (2002), Volkswagen Emissions Scandal (2015), Enron Scan...

The Power of One

Never underestimate the power of ONE. ·         In business, one page is enough. ·         In admonition, one sentence is enough. ·         In summary, one paragraph is enough. ·         In dieting, one sweet is enough. ·         In life, one true love is enough.  

Organic is your word for today

In the olden days, like only twenty years ago, there was organic chemistry - the study of the chemistry of living organisms.   Biology was the quintessential organic science.   These days, the term “organic” is applied to almost everything.   We have ·        Organic crops – promised vegetables grown with only approved pesticides and fertilizers, and “certified.” ·        Organic growth in business – meaning a business is grown from within as a dynamical organizational process; mergers and acquisitions are considered inorganic. ·        Organic organization – referring to a flexible management style readily adaptable to changes, as opposed to the mechanistic , or top-down management system. ·        Organic military – often meaning a n  organic  (military) unit that is a permanent part of a larger unit with a specialized capability t...

Donor State Scam

We hear a lot about the “donor” states that contribute more to the Federal government in taxes than they receive.  New York is one, so they claim.  But there are a host of explanations of how and why.  Consider a business person in Iowa.  Eventually this person travels to New York for meetings or a conference.  So, maybe $3500 is spent on the trip. The $3500 becomes a tax deduction back home, and taxes will not be paid on that money from Iowa.   However, the $3500 is spent in NY on hotels, meeting fees, travel, and restaurants. This income goes to NY residents in one form or another. And this money is Federally taxed - but to NY residents.  Thus, the Fed govt gets taxes from money earned in Iowa but spent in NY. Now multiply by the millions of visitors each year from other states to NY.   As well, some of that $3500 is paid to the State of New York in state income tax. New York politicians parade their high Federal tax cont...

Hillary and Donald - II

We look at the two candidates as they are as projected from their past.   This is the second blog on Hillary and Donald. The first is at The election this cycle offers us two opposing viewpoints proposed by two fundamentally opposite persons.   Each, I believe, seriously wants to help the country in this time of multitudinous international and national stresses.   Both approach the problems differently. Different paradigms, different temperaments, and different solutions.   Actually, different everything.  Both use their personal time-tested techniques. Political vs. Business.   They cannot and will not change!   Not at their age.   Old dogs and all that…  Though Hillary was trained as a lawyer, she is now a thorough-going politician.   Thus, Hillary will likely treat all matters as political within the constraints of her political dogmas. Hillary, with...

Presidential Politics V - Carly Fiorina

I used to like Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina for her practical viewpoints on how to proceed to restore our nation to its former greatness. She seems experienced.   She seems knowledgeable.   She does make some great sound bites.    Yet she scolds, and even preaches to us, explaining mostly how she is the perfect choice to solve the big problems of our day, and also how she could confront delimit and then defeat Hillary Clinton.   She deprecates everyone, not just the democrats.      She talks to us as if we are ignorant and the government is doing nothing and can do nothing.   On security, she talks about applying big data algorithms as though she understands them, but she betrays her ignorance of the size of the data sets (zettabytes) she wishes to examine.   Her broad strokes on security are designed only for the masses and newscasts.  Let’s face it.   The Presidential job has become almost too large for a...