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Showing posts with the label communism

All Is Politics

All of life is political. • Tribalism is the local form of politics. • Dictatorship is the smelly form of politics. • Kingship is the absolute form of politics. • Communism is the destructive form of politics. • Socialism is the nosiy form of politics. • Capitalism is the economic form of politics. • Democracy is the messy* form of politics. *You may like it; I may like it. Yet is is so difficult, so messy, and so easy to attack.

Political Defeat

Democracy is defeated by others using its laws to destroy it. Socialism is defeated under the pressure of its internal corruption. Communism is defeated by the very elite it creates. Dictatorships are defeated by old age and weakened control. Monarchy is defeated by political inbreeding and loss of vigilance. Dynasties are defeated by mold, inbreeding, corruption, and weakness. Currently, most western governments are controlled by a combination of the above.   They may be defeated by a confusion of mission. ------------------- One problem with the ultra-rich , which have always been and always will be, is that now they want to be loved. They spend great sums on buying their version of love, often political.   This is but another consequence of the destruction of religion.* In short: If you have multiple billions, you want to be loved, and you want to be revered, you are one dangerous animal. *   In the olden days, religion kept the super-rich ...


Influential political philosophies created out political environment. Not just from the political "left" and "right," there's socialism, conservatism, populism, progressivism, liberalism, federalism, scientism, communism, totalitarianism, nationalism, fascism, and more. Another -ism is taking bows these days.  It is the -ism of superocracy, a globalist ideology.  Call it superism. It's scope is so grand, that individuals and most countries are powerless to oppose it.  A small-time version of this already exists in the form of the EU. In this system, individual countries and their interests are lost in the loud flush of pronouncements from Brussels.  It seems Britain may escape, but its gravitational pull is strong.  The new superocrasy will replace religion, beliefs, ideals, and progress with administrative directives.  There will be no armies but fearsome police forces.  There will be apparent redistribution of almost everything except for th...

Politicophobia and Simplicitivism

Politicabobia - fear of politics* Simplicitivism - theory that the simple is often the best approach**   O ne needs to be careful with "ism" and “ phobia ” words. They often have loose meanings, strict meanings, and sometimes multiple meanings. In almost every endeavor, psychology, philosophy, science, biology, and the full list of topics, there are many, hundreds if not thousands. In politics, they are easy to apply. The are effective conveying to the listener what is personally imagined. Their greatest application comprise a form of demagoguery, whether through concern or fear.   We have communism, conservativism, progressivism, liberalism, racism, feminism, environmentalism, anarchism, nationalism, capitalism, colonialism, nationalism, and socialism, to name a few.   Of course, there is the anti -version of each.   Where an “ism” is not appropriate, the alternative “phobia” is used such as in homophobia and islamophobia, where cut away is any vesti...

Flag Burning and Our Schools

Recently on TV we've seen a number of young adults burning the flag, often in public places. To us old folks, we see this as rebellious youth or reprehensible or simply ungrateful.  We've seen the Eric Sheppard Challenge, which is to stomp on the flag as a sign of disrespect toward a symbol representing oppression, police brutality, or whatever else it the topic du jour .  This is disheartening for a person who for many years has loved that symbol of freedom for us and much of the world. Is this the new force in America, to reshape it into some utopian vision of all together in a new and totally fair order, with true equality? Makes one think of Lenin, who announced the same goals. OK, this brings up my ages old sense of anti-communism.  Maybe they think this time they'll get it right.  It was a sign of worry, to me anyway.  But then just by accident I saw on TV a recent flag burning where there was a protest by a number of folks disagreeing with the burning...