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Showing posts with the label conflicts

Impossible Problems - a classic conflict

An eternal impossible problem/situation of the conflict variety Suppose there is an ascending, aggressive appearing, nation emerging and building military might. Their threat is ominous though they assert no claims for territory are in their plans. The developments are only for defense. What is the response of the other nations? There are two. Type A. We should fortify this location or making alliances with nearby nations thereby hedging in this imminent threat, making clear our intent to delimit any strategies they may have, and demonstrating the severe cost to territorial ventures. Let us negotiate from strength. Type B. We should not fortify because it will anger and possibly even enhance their build-up making them more dangerous. It may even trigger a venture for territorial gain. Let us accept their word that they do not seek aggression with other nations. Let us negotiate from good will It is remarkable how consistent these strategies with variations have ...

Impossible Problems - Arising from Inconsistencies

Inconsistency and Impossible Problems Definition of INCONSISTENCY from the American Heritage Dictionary. 1. Displaying or marked by a lack of consistency, especially:         Not regular or predictable; erratic: inconsistent behavior.         Lacking in correct logical relation; contradictory: inconsistent statements.         Not in agreement or harmony; incompatible: an intersection inconsistent with the road map. 2. Mathematics. Not solvable for the unknowns by the same set of values. Used of two or more equations or inequalities. Inconsistencies in problem solutions seem to be correlated with the social competence of students.  Remarkable but apparently true. Impossible problems also arise from inconsistency.  This implies a type of conflict at the systemic level. When we have a system with inconsistent truths within, we are naturally led to impossible problems.  Th...

Problem Solving - Your Marvelous Brain

Seven Ways You Figure Things Out and Solve Problems The human brain is a marvelous organ.   It is designed for but one thing: survival of the body.   And survival means solving a non ending stream of problems. Ever thought about how you figure things out? Your marvelous brain has it covered. Indeed, you use six separate systems to make conclusions, resolve questions, problem solve, and just about everything else. Using the acronym BRAIPIE, we describe them in this order. The order and priority a person uses one or another of these systems varies from person to person, from religion to religion, from fine arts to science. Beliefs/Faith - You have a set of beliefs and a state of faith, both of which which function as guideposts on how to view problems and resolve difficulties. These are your strongest system, and can override all other considerations. The two overlap so much, it isn't really possible to distinguish them. The first is the second, and the secon...