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Showing posts with the label simple life

Thoreau was Wrong

It is remarkable how much the Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) book, "Walden" has imposed on this world.  He expressed in many ways a utopia of the mind.  He rejected the common desiderata of the day to conform and enjoy the fruits of industrialization.  His book is considered a great work.  And why not? Thoreau was raised in affluence. He attended Harvard and did well.  He studied natural and moral philosophy. He was familiar with Kant and Plato.   He taught for a little while but concluded that when teaching one did not learn much.  Unsatisfactory to him.  He was eccentric, as considered by his colleagues. Like Socrates, he sought the truth, an absolute truth.  This has been a theme over the ages.  Redemption, a type of finding the truth, is a theme of our day. But can you can say if you have been saved, you are ok and on the true path? Thoreau spoke against conformity in an age when the United States was feeling it muscle. ...