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Showing posts with the label religion

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a new religion?

  Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a new religion? I wouldn't go so fare as envisioning AI as a religion, but I would support a massive advance toward intellectual dependency, much like an addictive drug. Knowledge workers will be replaced; Medical diagnoses will first be within the "circuits" of machine learning (cf. ELIZA*). Teaching will become an AI learning App. And many more. Here is a litmus test for AI addiction, and in particular for tools like ChatGPT. When the colleges begin offering courses on how to use these tools, the dependency becomes revealed as firmly entrenched. *   ELIZA  is an early  natural language processing  computer program  created from 1964 to 1966  at the  MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory by  Joseph Weizenbaum . It was amazingly successful. Patients were convinced they were talking to a real person. And that was 60 years ago.

Bullets for Religions

  Interesting observations and facts about religions - a bullet lecture. ·         They can be accepted, understood, and believed at all intelligence levels. ·         They allow multiple interpretations. ·         They encourage decent relations between people. ·         They posit an answer to the most basic question, “Why we are?” ·         They offer all believers a pathway to eternal peace. ·         They require faith without physical evidence. ·         They allow and suggest miracles have a divine origin. ·         They need the advent of historical prophets. ·         They reject contemporary prophets. ·         They need martyrs. ·         They require or hope for, secular signs.

What is Causality?

Ah, yes.   Causality.   We love it and hate it.   We seek it for resolution, but sometimes we don’t want to find it. ·         Advertising causes sales. ·         Fear causes flight or fight. ·         She dumped me because I flirt. ·         Vaccinations prevent disease. To my understanding, causality is fundamentally difficult or impossible to prove. It is a truth. Causality seems to be a consensus of experts, claimed by countless experiments and observations - sometimes by an authority. In centuries past, causality was the domain of religion, philosophy, and God. Permanent. Yet, today’s cause may become tomorrow’s fantasy. Now, causality is mostly an aspect of science. Rushing to causality is a modern consequence of ubiquitous models, each establishing, in part, a correlation or correspondence. Personal causality is always a risk, always subject to emotion. Think of causality as a working solution to a problem, a pathway to finding a cure, or leading to deeper unde

Managing the Middle East

Hate to sound pessimistic, but... Whenever anyone thinks they have a solution to the MIddle East, they are wrong. The biggest problem are a religion and leaders that seem willing to sacrifice its people en masse . It has leaders who simply wish arbitrary power with religious sanction. The USA and Europe are essentially unequipped to manage such conflicting desiderata. Europe has simply given up, but the USA continues to try. Expect little and you will not be disappointed. Trump is absolutely magnificent at commercial deals, but Middle East war is different. It is a place where power is everything, and religion is placed in its service. Or is it vise-versa? China, at least, views the world in terms of profit and power. This is not easy but easier. Human rights? Redistribution? Freedom of speech? Come on, already. Not there; never was; never will be. What the West does not realize is these modern Middle East leaders view themselves in historical terms.  At various

The Lost Generation of Tomorrow

Drowning in modern hate, many seek love not knowing what it is or where to look.   Years from now, the lost generation of our times may describe those so saturated by hate they were unable to find love. Not unlike those of past generations who were shattered by war, hate ultimately causes a loss of human identity.   Everything in their life, it will be written, was filtered through their hate, diminishing regular human relations, being unable to disassociate even the simplest event from their hate.   Hate, it will be reported, was highly contagious. Well documented are many examples of people consumed by horrors of war, obsessed with making money, or so wrapped with some beliefs that no form of normalcy was possible. The lost generation of the 1920’s came from World War I. The Catholic inquisition, beginning in the 12 th century was hosted by priests saturated with a compulsion to control religious dissent or combat heresy.   The French Revolution was captured new commoner class

Political Defeat

Democracy is defeated by others using its laws to destroy it. Socialism is defeated under the pressure of its internal corruption. Communism is defeated by the very elite it creates. Dictatorships are defeated by old age and weakened control. Monarchy is defeated by political inbreeding and loss of vigilance. Dynasties are defeated by mold, inbreeding, corruption, and weakness. Currently, most western governments are controlled by a combination of the above.   They may be defeated by a confusion of mission. ------------------- One problem with the ultra-rich , which have always been and always will be, is that now they want to be loved. They spend great sums on buying their version of love, often political.   This is but another consequence of the destruction of religion.* In short: If you have multiple billions, you want to be loved, and you want to be revered, you are one dangerous animal. *   In the olden days, religion kept the super-rich “down on the f


Multiculturalism. There are multiple definitions of this term.  At the national level, it means words in a national document that we respect all other cultures and against which we will not discriminate.  For others, it means kinship, if not to one’s village but to one’s (former) country, race, or religion. Often, they bring along their old hatreds from their old country to the new. In this version, the group may stick together, live together, apart from their adopted country and in this way alone.  Businesses formed within a given subculture are free to hire within it, promote within it, and maintain kinships, despite the “words.” For others, it is a crass method to subdivide various cultures to vote in a certain way.  Multiculturalism comes down to the triple of words, kinship, and politics , each with their own variations of meaning.  No wonder it causes problems. Countries adopting a policy of multiculturalism ultimately have no culture.   It becomes a loosely ass

Deny or Die

Deny or Die - the mantra of extreme policies and beliefs. This has been a central thread for religious and political conformity for centuries. The list is long. Let's list a few, just in Europe and the Americas. a. Bolsheviks to Czarists (and everybody else for that matter) Russia, 20th century b. Lutherans to Catholics, Germany, 16th century c. Catholics to reformers, Southern Europe mostly, 16-18th centuries d. Catholics to Muslims, Spain, 11-17th centuries e. Muslims and Catholics to Jews, Europe and the Mediterranean region, 12-20th centuries f. Protestants to everybody else, USA, 16-19 centuries g. Catholics to impure Catholics, Spain and elsewhere, the Inquisition Denial meant death.  All are forms of identity exclusion.  Add up all the deaths from just this short list comes to a staggering total. In particular, it seems that Dems have outlawed religion among its rank and file. It is interesting that Dems, the self-declared party of inclusion, have decided they

Letters from the Future - III -Vendors

Letters from the future.   Many of us wonder what can be achieved with big data, which combines multiple data bases and machine learning.  This is the third of a series of letters maybe not sent yet but soon will flood the world.  We are suggesting what can be done right now, like today.   This particular letter is sent to commercial vendors.   The footnotes are for you, the reader, not the letter recipient. NOTE.  Many databases need to be resourced for this letter.  This is what big data does, and it does it very well today. Online buying reveals, BTW, massive information about yourself – much is indirect. --------------- Dear Vendor, It is with great pleasure we offer you a database of names for your commercial interests.  This database contains not only names and email addresses, but also includes postal mailing addresses, and DOB (1). For the additional charge, we will also include SSN, primary bank, routing and account numbers as available - about 63% of all names

Getting involved

You get involved with events – external to your life.  At first you express an interest and then pretend interest. Then it becomes an interest; then it becomes your interest; then it becomes your passion, and finally it becomes your reality.  Yet, when the cause is gone, there remains little of your own.  You strive to sustain your new reality, forgetting who you were.   You have controllers,  often calling to keep you involved, a psychological affirmation. You are asked to contribute, a material affirmation.  You are asked to participate, a physical affirmation.   Your life has been co-opted and then compounded by the interests of others.  Whether religion or politics, my friend, you are part of a cult. ---------------------------------- Sometimes the breakthrough comes just when the back is ready to break. 

Religious Persecution

According to the latest news reports, Christians have been elevated to being the most persecuted religion on Earth.   Judging by what we hear from the Middle East, this may be exactly so.   Think what you wish on this, but there are some facts that may give either comfort or distress.     History has shown us that when certain types of religions are persecuted they grow stronger. This has been true of the Christians (Protestants and Catholics), the Muslims, the Jews, the Buddists, and other religions, all with sound scriptures and sometimes doctrine or canon law.   They may live under persecution for generations, but though it may take centuries, but they seem to restore their numbers and thrive again.    We include another religion of sorts, atheism, which sustains its faith through sheer belief.   Atheists have been persecuted throughout all of history.   It has no scripture aside from specific beliefs, but the idea (there is no God) simply cannot be destroyed by theis

Time Travel, truth, and Tweets

  To Donald: A sweet tweet is worth more than a thousand trivial tweets. Advocates of “cookoo” theories often chime the loudest and are always on time. ______________ That Pesky Time . On the time travel paradox.   One of the most frequently applied scenarios against the possibility of time travel is the “grandfather” paradox.   Here it is. Right now, you travel back in time with a pistol to see your grandfather walking in a park long before he has even met your grandmother.   You shoot and kill him. Therefore, grandpa never meets grandma, and thus you cannot exist to travel back in time. ( This where the time travel paradox usually ends. But it goes on… )   Now then, since you don’t exist you couldn’t have traveled back in time to kill grandpa. Thus grandpa does meet grandma, and eventually you are born.   But now you can travel back to make the kill.    This repeats ad infinitum. What seems to be created is a time-conflict. Kill, no kill, kill, no kill, …   Doesn’t