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Showing posts with the label metaverse

The Dark Side of the Metaverse

 Of course, you've seen these headsets with visual viewers where the player can see virtual worlds.  It is the latest construct of the Metaverse. It is beyond experience toward a meta-reality.  It is the ultimate of cool. It is perfect and can be used for teaching, for learning, for understanding, and for enhancing your life.  But, it can also be used for subliminal training, subliminal suggesting, and subliminal testing.  The user is completely captivated by the device with no outside influence whatever. Their brains are isolated and  fully open to whatever is transmitted. Nefarious programmers, corporations, and even governments can use these devices to control their customers and populations.  It is time to consider the dark side of these new technologies.  When power and money lay in the balance, it will happen.  Is it already happening? If you're alerted, frightened, and even scared stiff, you should be. There are governments and corpora...