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Learning Geography

We frequently see "man on the street" segments on various channels of how ignorant Americans are about geography.  We're not discussing where Burkina Faso is on the map but where the heck is Iowa? Many, too many Americans just don't know.  The why is simple; it is simply not taught well in the schools.  Here's how I taught my kids the states and the world years ago.  I posted a map of the USA on the wall near the breakfast table.  This map contained only the states without names.  Every morning while the kids were scarfing up their corn flakes, I would point to various states and ask what state it was.  By and by, they knew every state, including the little ones. This took years.  So, repetition over  years does work.  Indeed, this is the way for example that math is taught, though in a more formalized way. So, let me make a suggestion to teachers for grades K-8.  Every morning, show the map of the USA without names.  Point...