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Showing posts with the label concealing funds

Drunken Shopping

A new condition of drunk shopping is here.   It turns out drinking and online shopping really do mix.   Recent results show that drunk shoppers are avid online buyers – to the tune of $39 billion last year.   Hmmm, at least they’re not on the road. ( No vindication is ever given by true hate . A peril of 5G technology.* Using 5G technology with block chain and other secure fiscal transfer methods, operators (i.e. bad guys) may be able to move money about in a nonlinear chain of accounts so quickly and so frequently, the real destination may never be determined. Just imagine a large balance transferred one hundred times in a second, and each transfer must be explored individually.   Now multiply by ten thousand accounts.   Indeed, the blur of transfers may never be unraveled. *5G, now coming to a service near you. Probably 2019.  You'd think our Congress would be hot on this topic. Nope.  These guys can't even solve th