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Showing posts with the label loyalties

Presidential Politics - I

Who to support???? We see the Democrats performing a type of surgery upon the actions of the President, carefully distinguishing themselves from current policy only on particular matters.   They seem to live in fear of a insider condemnation.   Or they believe the President is essentially correct but for these particular exceptions. Overall, they are mostly united upon social programs.   Overall, they minimize international events, preferring to emphasize domestic issues, upon which there is merit, owing to a world view that every country is an independent agency.   If you so believe, this is your expression of what needs to be achieved.   If you believe climate change is paramount and more importantly anthropomorphic, these folks are your people.    The Democrats are more-or-less unified in their support for Secretary Clinton.   None of her established blemishes seem to matter.    Bernie is not  viable no matter how ma...