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Thoughts - Part III

This is a continuation of ·          Your brain .   Your brain is the most deceitful entity you know.   It lies to you.   It purports truths that are false.   It convinces you are tired when you are not.   It tells you to stop when you should go; it tells you to go when you should stop.   In the words of some anonymous writer, "Don't believe everything you think."   All that said it is your adviser, your confidant, your most trusted ally.  But, your brain is just one part of you! ·          The Cheap War .   In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing, we must acknowledge we are at war with Extremists, possibly of many types.   But for the perpetrators, it is a cheap war.   They, the bad guys, expend a trifling amount of money.   Estimate grossly the Tsarneav brothers (radicalized Islamic Boston bombers) spent about $25,000 on their little war.   The cost to Boston and the Federal Government now amoun