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Showing posts with the label emergency braking systems

Thoughts XXIII - Random

1. If the ad even mentions the word "affordable," to me it means I can't afford it or its not worth it.   Affordable has become a buzz-word for costly, for inept, or for deception. 2. Many auto ads are now signifying they feature an EBS, emergency braking system.   These show a driver being completely distracted from driving and then just at the point of a crash, the EBS takes over and saves the day. It will not affect you and I.   It will, however, affect the ever-stupid teenagers believing they are even more bullet-proof than already do.   The EBS will certainly cause deaths and then lawsuits. Many will die. This is a problem for the near future, with actual crash victims charging the manufacturer with faulty equipment or inaccurate expectations.    3. On Hillary's health issues - in the spotlight.   Is the Dem inner circle ready to throw Hillary under the bus in the interest of the progressive agenda?   Possibly. But how can they d...