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Showing posts with the label globalism

Globalism is not the Perfect Solution

All cruise ships have the same common properties of affluent high population states, meaning unlimited eating, luxuries aplenty, laundry services, entertainment, ports of call for shopping and touring, lounging, shows, Internet, more eating, and on and on. An idyllic life is on board, and the prices range from very high down to high.   You pay the fare to get to the port of entry.   Want to go around the world?   Then you spend all your dough. (You know lifetime cruise ships have been proposed and designed where you buy-in for a life-time residence.)   A beautiful world it is.   No work, no effort, all comfort, and leisure to the max.    This is the promise of the cruise line and mostly the promise of world globalism . We will all prosper on our global ship of the line, where we save the planet, we enjoy luxuries together, we manufacture everything needed, and all are happy onboard – forever. What could go wrong? Just to note, according to ...

Globalism and Billionaires

An interesting twist on globalism.    The suggestion is globalism is responsible for the rise of the super-wealthy billionaires. Look at the leaders of such global companies such as Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, Bloomberg, Huawei, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), and more.  All are operated or controlled by billionaires who have super-vast fortunes only because they are global. Nationalism, which reduces the globalist reach, also has billionaires, but much smaller in scale. When you can market your stuff worldwide, you have multiples of normal profit.

Random Thoughts - 22

Politicians have always been disappointing. Now, despite doing almost nothing, their quality of lies has hit new lows, basically at the high school level. On Stupidity Doing something stupid simply because it’s new does not qualify it as being innovative. The stupid solution and the innovative solution are different, though frequently confused. Stupid is still stupid, even when dressed in silk. She called her unplanned pregnancy a conceptual heir. Beware of false morality offered in the name of humanitarianism. A global world will not work if there remain only a few cheaters. Rich cities and states can survive globalism only because they can afford cheaters. The larger the organism, the easier is the opportunity for disease.

Notes for the Day

Four Notes A . Globalism is a wonderful idea.   It is like a Utopia.   However, if just one cheater lies among the believers, disaster is the result.   In our world there are at least a half-dozen* cheaters, possibly a half-hundred.   Internally, globalists are forewarned and forearmed, happily willing to crush opposition.   Externally, they are vulnerable and weak. * Not to mention names, but we do serve food artfully placed on one in particular. B . Globally, nationally, and locally, be wary of colleagues who seek only middle level management.   These seek arbitrary power, even if only small. C . There are too many lawyers, we know.  As well, there are too many writers, and way too many bloggers (like me).  In fact, our factories need more workers. I have a plan. D. Your first mistake when hearing some opinion is when you say, “That sounds reasonable.”   Your second is when you buy it.

Scorecard for Planet Earth

What’s good about the world?   We’re not looking for miracles or final results. We are looking for improvement.   Let’s not look at the world we don’t have now, but look more at the far and recent past where almost nothing was possible, available, accessible, and the like.  Our list does not include everyone everywhere.   Progress is not constant nor uniform.   In some places forward steps come in leaps while in others backward steps seem the rule.   With all we hear daily of riots here, wars there, violence in the streets, intrigue in the palace, assassinations,   subversions, perversions, and all others, we take a pause and consider what we have is far, far beyond the situations of almost all only a century or two ago.       We now live in a world where most people --- Have some civil rights. Have basic schooling. Have machines to make life easier. Have food produced by an agricultural bounty. Have some rights...

Just a Few, Ma'am

3/27/18. Now retired! Spend much time watching the stock market, where many of my $$ are invested. Last week was depressing. So, I watch the business news, a lot.   Fact about business shows: they trot in well dressed bull market advocates alternatively with equally well dressed bear market advocates. After enough of this, you are totally confused. What I've noticed about these "experts" is that each uses only a few parameters upon which they rely.   These are mixed with a rather heavy helping of intuition.  Just like us in every day living. Turning to politics, we are led to our leaders and which or what are the few parameters that guide them.   For Obama, it seemed that globalism and its corollaries were at the base of his thinking.   Namely, his desire to convert the world to a globalist Utopian dream.   Simple and idealistic.   For Trump, the parameters are not that clear, but he seems to prefers a more nationalistic view of the world whe...

Intolerance in the name of tolerance

The tyranny of correctness.   Currently, we see a reversal within the party of inclusion to a party of intolerance in the name of tolerance.   If you do not agree with me, so they say, you must be racist, sexist, islamophobe, homophobe, or some other -ist or - phobic .   So fantastic are these to be unbelievable.  Usually, you call others the names you would yourself abhor. So, name-calling has a limited reach. They have forgotten what made them great.   They have embraced some easy targets while ignoring all but a couple of large groups, assuming their old-time supporters would continue to support.   They have made the fundamental mistake of assuming those in the tank should damn well stay there. Like Pandora’s box, once released, these forces roam independently. How can they put them back in their tank?   Maybe they will offer more promises, which of course translates into more spending. Maybe they will offer more detractors ...