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Showing posts with the label data lake

Lucky Us

No mistakes, no errors, no risk implies no value People who have never made a mistake have never taken a risk.   Do we want such folks to govern the country?   Your answer is no, I hope.    But with vast data silos, data lakes, and soon data oceans, anyone’s past mistakes will be documented and available at cost.   From cheating in the 4 th grade, to groping in the 10 th , to claiming unusual heritage in the 12 th , to being charged with drinking in college, to an advantaged business deal in their 20s, only a few years remain before a full online biography of everyone is accessible – and publishable. We may get what we think we want: purely clean, unspoiled, untested, unknowledged, and unable representatives in our legislatures.    Lucky us.

Anti-trust - 21st century style

Anti-trust – 21 st century style All of us know when a particular company or cabal of companies begin to and then control a sector of products, it invokes attention.  These companies are sometimes subject to the anti-trust provisions of the law, i.e. Sherman Anti-Trust.  That was yesterday, when companies created an unfair market advantage to increase profits.  Many companies were broken up in this way, notably Standard Oil. Today is different, with monopolies and cabals created to hold information, the commodity of the future.  Implied here is that large corporations such as Amazon and Facebook contain so much information about citizens, it can actually affect what people do and how they buy.  By marketing information, they will soon be moving into altering what citizens think, and even how they vote.  The tip of this is already evident, with many pundits and news anchors discussing that such firms are becoming too big and controlling too much le...