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Showing posts with the label teaching words

I Love Words

I love words, and how so many sound similar but have totally different meanings.  In this chapter it's all in the "air" as we look at simple words ending with the sound "air" or "are" or "ere."  For teachers, its a great, even fun, way to stimulate students thinking about words, and building their vocabulary.  For adults, it's a great refresher.  The list is below, with those in capital's being names. air fare prayer tare bare hair rare tear Bayer hare sayer Thayer bear lair scare ware Blair layer share wear brayer mare spare Baer care pair square dare pare stair ere payer stare fair pear swear In addition there are lessor words, mostly from the Scottish.  zair mair gair Bair cair sair wair It's an airy day.  :)  So, get back in your lair to stare at this list while you bear the fair humor of this note. Spare the swear words, ere I dare to call you a square.