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Showing posts with the label beyond impossible

Problem-Solving - Beyond Impossible

  Problem-Solving -  Beyond Impossible There is no problem the mind of man can set that the mind of man cannot solve. ― Samuel Johnson Figure 1. Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Introduction. What can possibly be beyond impossible in problem-solving? It would seem that the “impossible” is as far as we can go. Yet, there is a nether region where the “beyond” modifier finds its place.   If you recall Johnson’s quote, it may be from the 1946 Sherlock Holmes movie, “Dressed to Kill” starring Basil Rathbone.   It does make you think, but it also gives you hope. It gives us hope we can solve anything we come across.   It gives hope we can ultimately answer every question – though some solutions may take more time than others. Unfortunately, Dr. Johnson was wrong. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was known for saying, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it”. This is similar, after a fashion, to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus who tol...