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Showing posts with the label drugs

A New Category of Impossible Problems

  A New Category of Impossible Problems Consider a new category of problems, impossible because they exist without clear solutions. In some cases, there are no possible solutions. Many of these problems are deeply embedded in systems, often going unnoticed or unrecognized. Corporate or national interests can easily conceal their presence or remain unaware of them. There may come a day when systems become so vast that they must be rejected, as their failure could lead to global disaster. Here are five examples, many of which involve significant government involvement in their creation. A. Global System Dependencies No company should be so globally pervasive that a failure in its systems could cause a worldwide catastrophe. This is particularly true for critical systems like airline booking, television networks, and health systems. For example, a technical issue identified by global cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike in its antivirus software for Microsoft Windows devices could have had ...

Welfare – Just Another Drug

  All people want to feel good about themselves. Many are poor and many are rich, but all want that same feeling or sense of value, importance, independence, and well-being. These are the “highs” of life. Hard work, even if not well paid, gives these senses. Achievement gives the same. They allow the natural down turns and down days everyone has. Achievement modulates depression. Achievement stimulates well-being. Drugs give an artificial high without work, achievement, or anything else. It’s temporary and chemical. It ends quickly, but more drugs boost the spirits high again. A cycle. Welfare is similar. It gives the illusion of value simply because you can pay for food or other needs. Like a drug, you can become addicted to this easy cash*. Your sense of value disappears, and you become dependent on your provider. As you need more, you are re-cycled. *You may see this all around your world. My first experience was in grad school with Teaching Assistants, grad students tea...

Fake World, Fake Life

Whatever side you’re on you know the word “fake.” The current favorite is “fake news.” There is more. Fake cigarettes, fake education, fake medical procedures, fake IDs, fake money (crypto), fake luxury products, and fake drugs all take their rightful place in our lives. The latest fake may already be here.   That is fake, fake meat, which is fake meat blended with real meat.   Advantages: reduces production costs, no regulations, easy to do, hard to detect. Disadvantage: dishonest (but who cares). The exposé   of this might be called fake on fake news. 😊 Feeling bad for vegans and veggies everywhere.   ------------------ More fakes now exposed. US Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke affects all your senses; his stupidity can be seen, smelled, heard, felt, and ugh, tasted. He wears his stupidity like a bad after-shave. We have: a fake presidential run. If Beto and Bill (de Blasio) ran together, their net support would decrease. Fake time...