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Showing posts with the label GOP debates

Politics and Toast - III

We are looking at the next 2016 Presidential candidates to jump into the political toaster - or waiting on line. In this, Chapter III, of politics and toast, we note the toaster is busy, or will be busy soon.  In the recent GOP debate, we saw on the early show, only New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made an impact.  former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was in there but on the margin.  Former Pennsylvania Senator from  Rick Santorum and Governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal were disappointing. Two orders of toast coming up. Three candidates, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and former New York Gov. Former Governor of New York George Pataki, and Former Governor of Virginia Jim Gilmore  were eliminated from the debates altogether.  They are toast-men walking.  Though Graham markets himself as a super-hawk, there are few listeners.  Americans don't want another heavy war.  A sanitized war, airplanes only, is would be fine.  Difficult ...