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Showing posts with the label world population

The Luxury of Cats

The Luxury of Domestic Cats.  In 2017, the number of domestic cats in the US is estimated 95.6 million.*  About 35% of all households have at least one cat.  In fact, the average number of cats per household is 2.19 cats. Cats consume much food. An eight pound cat requires a daily diet of about 300 calories, or about five ounces of dry food.  This amounts to  10,950,000,000 pounds of effective dry cat food per year.  Eleven billion pounds of dry cat food is a lot of food, indeed enough to feed 14,400,400 people per year living on a generous 2000 calorie/day diet.  This implies the amount of cat food the US uses just for its cats would feed the entire populations and more of each of the following countries: Somalia, Burundi, Benin, Bolivia, Tunisia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Cuba. Roughly speaking, every seven American cats consume the food of a single human being. In the great scheme of things, our domestic cats consume far more food, high protein

World Population - top and bottom

Which country has the largest population?  You know this one.  It is China.  But did you know the second largest population, India, is a mere 3% smaller?  Below we list the top six world populations. They comprise about 50% of the total world population of 7.5 billion people.  Is your country there? Rank Country Population 2017 Total Population  Cumulative Population 1 China 1,388,232,693     18.5% 18.5% 2 India 1,342,512,706     17.9% 36.4% 3 U.S. 326,474,013      4.3% 40.7% 4 Indonesia 263,510,146      3.5% 44.2% 5 Brazil 211,243,220      2.8% 47.0% 6 Pakistan 196,744,376      2.6% 49.6%   World 7,515,284,153     100.0%   Which are the smallest populations?  These you cannot possibly guess.  The lowest, the Vatican, has a population of only 810 folks. In this country, you can actually know everybody!  It goes up, but no