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Showing posts with the label super forces

Super Forces in the Movies

 Super Power and Super Forces + Violence Did you know that 99% of all top-grossing American movies use special effects of some kind.  About 14% of all American movies feature super heroes. An extra 5% of American movies feature super powers of some sort. Thus 19% (or 1 in 5) of all American movies exhibit super-something as one of their key components.  About 94% of the top-grossing movies in the United States from 1985 to 2014 featured at least one violent scene. Of those movies, half involved a gun. Just for the record 73% of the top 100 grossing movies in 2017 contained at least one instance of foul language. Of them 43% used the F* word. Other percentages?  sh*t (33%), a**hole (26%), and damn (25%).