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Showing posts with the label far left

Politics Imitates Hollywood

Politics imitates Hollywood.  First, we had the Mueller investigation.  (You know about whether the President colluded with the Russians.) Now we have the sequel .  (You know about Congressional Democrats investigating the same thing again.)  But, at the same time, we have the prequel . (You know about how the Russia collusion thing originated.)  Box-office battle now engaged.   May the force be with you. 😊 ----------------------- When I was young, folks on the far left were usually well read, articulate, and interesting.   Only a few actually believed what they said, but they carried themselves well and made good arguments.   Nowadays, they are free to act and sound as dumb as the rednecks of old. I guess that’s progress. ----------------------- The luxury of the future will be privacy.

Thoughts - Part II

Continuing from K.  All I here these days on political news is talking points from both the left and the right. On the left there must be solidarity of the President's message. No deviations.  No doubts. No alternatives are allowed.  The rich must pay their fair share; you may have "built" it but the government supplied the schools, roads, and other infrastructure.  Obamacare is clearly controlling and even reducing costs.  We must invest in America.  On the right most talking points concern taxes (i.e. no new ones), the magnitude of the debt, the repeal of Obamacare, the massive regulations, and of course gun control.    There is not one hint, one scintilla of compromise, excepting on immigration reform, a quest issue by both for votes.  L.  We have always had conservatives and liberals.  The one is much like the other, with differences measured slightly in the de...