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Showing posts with the label division

Together but Separated

Closer Together but More Divided Than Ever   I heard an interesting comment on TV this morning.   In brief, it asserted that with cell phones, computers, and rapid transportation networks, we should be closer together,   but in reality are more divided than ever.     (1) Political positions are vastly different, with well-separated elites, privileged, and underclasses clearly defined. Politicians of one party often don’t even talk to those of another. (2) Religions, at one time spiritually merging, are now again separated with one group openly calling for the extinction or death of the other. Some religions have taken on strictly secular positions. (3) In the market, there seem to be dominant mega-corporations and a vast number of lesser companies,   having none of the opportunities accorded the giants. (4) Kids live in completely separated worlds, often fantasy worlds moderated by social media and fueled by video games. They are even separated from one another more than ever.